"the score-keeper" (or "how gunslingers always lose")
- hey bud, you wanna play chicken?
- nah, let's do something else.
- come on, play. don't be such a pussy.
- i'm not a pussy, man. i can kill you in chicken.
- what? i never lose. you're a fucking baby.
- fuck you.
- weren't you watching, teddy? i made him crack so easily.
- fuck you. i don't care what you say. i never give a shit what you're saying.
- i destroyed you like ten times yesterday.
- who the fuck is keeping score?
- i'm keeping score, you wuss. i made you cry all day.
- fuck you. your forehead is huge.
- oh, you want to go again?
- nah, forget this. stupid fucking game anyways.
- that's because you're soft and always chicken out.
- sure.
- even ask teddy. he saw it all yesterday. he was keeping score. weren't you, teddy?
they look at teddy. he's sitting cross legged on the grass, pretending that he's not paying attention. - you both lost. you're both fucking losers.
- whatever, teddy. don't be a bitch.
- he's right. and you're an asshole. i'm leaving.
- hey man, it's just a game. i was just fucking around.
- you have no friends. nobody fucking likes you.
- i've got more friends than you. who the fuck needs you?
- right... fuck you.