unwarranted beliefs
unwelcome passions
an eagle that speaks
yesterday's fashions
unreachable peaks
uninhabitable mansions
i dunno
- i don't want you to worry about me.
- i know. but sometimes i do.
- you really don't have to.
- you don't talk anymore.
- yes i do.
- no, you've gone quiet.
- i just don't have that much to say.
- you know your uncle took his own life, right? dad's brother, one of your namesakes. he was young and dad doesn't talk about it very much.
- he never talks about it. but i know.
- okay.
- mom, really? you should know me better than that.
- doesn't matter how well i know you. the you i know is just a little guy, banging on empty coffee tins, pretending they are drums, refusing to quiet down. and now you're all grown up and distant and don't live close by anymore. so if i think that you're sad, i get sad... and i worry.
- i love you, mom.
- just call me Beats.
- Beats for what?
- Beats for the soul, the future, the goal. unwinding, untrying, still grinding that coal, revitalize, re-emphasize, re-strategize...
- re-strategize for what?
- fow these new plains, new days, scattered brains in a modern maze of our making. pre-dating, semi-creating, debating...
- debating what?
- debating everything. the songs we sing, the love we bring, or don't, to our world, for young boys and girls who don't have a chance. we've destroyed chance. all that's left is to dance...
- what dance?
- the dance of blame. no, it wasn't us, not me. nothing we could have done, just wanted to be free. all throughout history, acting silly, and our present will seem funny, in the future to those who survive this...
- survive what?
- this.
- don't talk to me about positive.
- what do you mean?
- positive thinking. this and that. positive attitude.
- yeah? what about it?
- just shut up about your positive. your optimistic. your proactive behaviour. i'm so sick of hearing about it.
- you're going to eat yourself, you're always so negative.
- it's not me that's negative. it's everything around me. this world and this day in day out. this passing of time is negative. always reducing, subtracting. never adding up to anything.
- you need to get away.
- how do you get away from yourself?
- a cruise or something.
- don't you fucking see? there is no getting away anymore.