Friday, January 29, 2010


- how bout we start over?
- how?
- i dunno. we'll just start over. begin again.
- okay...umm.
- let me.
- okay.
- hi... i'm tommy. what's your name?
- kim.
- ... what are you doing out here?
- waiting for it to snow.
- you think it's gonna snow?
- oh, most definitely. look at the sky.
- you might be right. where are you from?
- hamilton.
- cool... have you ever thought about killing yourself?
- ... tom.
- what?
- is that relevant?
- very.
- you know the answer already.
- no i don't. we just met.
- alright. the answer is yes.
- and...
- ummm, yes i've done that, but i don't anymore. it was a long time ago.
- oh, that's good. i'm glad.
- me too.
- well, it's nice to meet you then.
- i don't deserve a second chance, tom.
- everyone deserves a second chance. the only problem is you're up to four or five.
- yeah.


- we're going to hell in a handbasket.
- what's a handbasket?
- not sure, but it's cozy, and warm... and we like it in there.
- really? even if we're going to hell?
- maybe it's more like a passenger jet.
- what is?
- we're going to hell in a huge airplane. super fast.
- i don't like flying.
- i know you don't. but this flight isn't optional. we're all going.
- can i sit with you?

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